The Woody Pack was created after James “Woody” Beckham suffered a spinal cord injury in 2011 playing rugby. Inside my,, Woody Pack was all kinds of assistive devices that could potentially be the difference between being independent or dependent. I was so surprised at everything that came in it! There’s so much I could use. My favorite things are the Velcro cup holder and the sixth digit. If you suffered a spinal cord injury or know someone who has had a spinal cord injury I would highly suggest you requesting the Woody Pack for them. It could help them regain some independence.
Independence is something so many of us with a spinal cord injury strive for because we had it ripped away from us. When my accident happened I was only fourteen and had not yet started to gain much of my independence but that independence I did lose was horrible. There are so many adults that completely lose the independence when they suffer a spinal cord injury and something like The Woody Pack could help gain a sense of independence.