So if it’s not one thing it’s another. There’s been a lot of activity in my house, some good and some bad.
My air conditioner decided that it wanted to clog the drain and leak all over my hallway, spare bedroom, glider room, and guest bathroom. In the beginning, it looked a whole lot worse than it could have began. So far we have taken up a good amount of flooring so that the plywood underneath it can dry out. We noticed that the bathroom door is no longer shutting so that means the wall is sinking. I knew when I moved in about two years ago that the floor in the guest bathroom had been flooded once or twice already and needed to be replaced altogether but that’s one of those things that wasn’t high on the priority list because I can’t go in that bathroom anyway. Well now thanks to my air conditioner I have to move it up a few items.
COVID-19 hit my family with six people in my close circle contracting the virus. Two of the six people have just about gotten over it already. When they went to the emergency room all they were told was to take Tylenol, vitamin C, and drink plenty of water or Gatorade. My house has been free and clear of it thank goodness but I’ve been making sure to clean with disinfectant cleaner at least once a day.
School is about to begin in about a week and I honestly can’t see it staying open very long with how easily Delta is spread. The mask mandate has been put back in place all across Louisiana and I have even seen where some businesses and restaurants are making people show proof of a vaccine or negative test before entering. It kind of scares me because it’s so similar to how the Holocaust started if you think of it. We all have our opinion on it, I’m just expressing mine. This is a safe space for my opinion, and yours in the comments.
Anyway, I’ve finally got my office done enough to start doing my videos again for YouTube. I have a few video ideas that I’m thinking about doing. I have a week off after finals. I’m extremely excited to have a break. This Friday I go to the neurosurgeon to talk about setting a date for surgery and I know now that I’ll have sixteen weeks till another break. As of right now (8/13), I haven’t wrote down any dates of when my classes start so I guess I have to do that before Friday. When I get done writing here I’ll go do that, I’m home alone. So during my break I want to work on some videos if everything works out right. Have a question or video suggestion? Leave it in the comments.
My mental health could really use some work right now. I’m reaching out to a therapist. It’s okay to need help, we all need it. I just need someone outside of my circle to talk to with no judgment. I went through depression a few years back and I don’t want to get back to that point again. I don’t really want to go on medication but if that’s what it takes I may have too. I don’t like any medicine that messes with my hormones. Ive had really bad experiences with them that was unnecessary.
That’s all that’s been going on around my house.