God never puts more than you can handle on your shoulders ..
I have started my degree program with Southern New Hampshire University which will take about three and a half years if I stay full time. Full time is taking two classes a term and a term is eight weeks. I plan to stay full time because in my senior year I took eight courses at a time. Two will be a piece of cake. As of right now, my major is graphic design with a minor in psychology, but it could change once I get my general education courses out of the way. I’m really looking forward to taking this next big step in my life. I don’t want to be dependent on my disability benefits for the rest of my life. I want to one day get married and when I do I will lose my benefits completely. I want to be able to help support my family and getting a college degree will be one step towards that goal. I have also been training a new puppy, named Jax. I will house training him and he’ll be my guard dog. When I move into my house I’ll be needing a dog to alert me to people coming into my house and to hopefully be protective over me so if an intruder were to break in I would not be helpless. I plan on having security cameras eventually but they can only do so much. Tug, Derek’s dog, is very protective over me and even the kids. When a guy came to buy the RV I was home alone, and Tug wouldn’t let the guy near me. Jax is Tug’s son so hopefully, he will take after him and be protective. He definitely has his personality. I just have to survive the puppy stage. | I am packing up my building to start moving into my house within the next couple of weeks. My dad has finally finished building his house and almost completely moved in. There will be some renovations that will be done but nothing too major. There are a few doorways that need to be widened, the island in the kitchen needs to be taken up, new flooring done in the kitchen and possibly some work done to the laundry room. I have decided to get a roommate that way if I need help during the day I will have someone to help me. It will also help to have someone who can help with cooking and cleaning. I had a mishap cooking bacon a few weeks ago and burnt my hand if you want to see how bad follow my Instagram @aprilotwell. I’ve had a few other health issues going on as well. My stomach has been souring about once a month or so and with it comes vomiting and sulfur burps. I literally cannot keep anything down for about three days. I’m in absolute misery too. Well, this last time my urine started getting really dark and had a red tint to it. I called my urologist, Dr. Winters, and told them what was going on. It became very concerning because the red color could be blood and for obvious reasons,, blood in my urine is not good. I gave a urine sample to get it checked and put on widespread antibiotics. We discussed my bowel program which is digital stimulation and laxatives. They referred me to a gastroenterologist and to be able to go to one closer to my house I have to see my primary care doctor. So I set up an appointment with him. Winters said that after I got done with my antibiotics my urine was still dark to give them a call. Fast forward two weeks and two antibiotics later my urine doesn’t look any better. Now I have an appointment with him in New Orleans in a week. |
As you guys can tell I have a lot of stuff going on right now but God never puts too much on your shoulders that you can’t handle. I must be able to handle a lot. I’ve been tired of putting a hold on my life and it’s definitely not now. The play button has been pushed and broken. I’m strong enough to handle it.