- New Year Resolutions
-I promise to start a schedule and stick to it.
-I promise to read more.
-I promise to be more positive and patient.
-I promise to stop being so ugly to my mom. (RIP Momma)
-I promise to be more active physically and mentally.
-I promise to love myself everyday no matter what.
Goals of 2016
-Write my book
-Get my photography going
-Loose weight by eating healthier
-Work my arms to gain more strength
-Drink more water
-Have breeding program complete
-Be an inspiration
-Become a mentor for other SCI survivors
-Start modeling
-Start advocating for SCI
-Get off all muscle relaxers
-Get a standing wheelchair
Books to Read
-Elegy by Tara Hudson
-Arise by Tara Hudson
-The Promise by Rachelle Friedman
-The Vampire Academy Series by
-The House of Night series by PC and Kristen Cast
Ten Years Goals
-Loose 75 pounds
-Start standing more
-Gain enough arm strength to transfer myself
-Use manual chair
-Have my business be successful
-Have my own house
-Able to drive
-Own my own car
Things to do on 21st birthday
-Get photos made
-Start my platform for Ms. Wheelchair