It’s that time of year again, time to make New Years resolutions. I normally go way above what I know I can handle when I make a New Year’s resolution or possibly many resolutions. I want to start 2020 a little differently.
I have found things out about myself in 2019 that has changed a lot but most of them are internally so not many people can see the changes. Instead of telling you about all the things I have an accomplished that I said I would this year I want to reflect on the things that I have accomplished before I tell you what I want to accomplish in the coming year.
I started a doubledegree program at Southern New Hampshire University where I am currently getting a bachelors degree in psychology and a bachelors degree in graphic design. I am ending this year with a 4.0 GPA. I have been through a lot of information that will stick with me throughout the rest of my studies and even after I graduate in 2022.
I have moved into my own home where I live alone and have become a lot more independent because of my freedom. I was granted space to expand my thinking and my personality. I am now coming into the woman I knew I could be when I had the room to grow. I am becoming an adult guys! (Wtf?)
I have learned many things that relate to my spirituality. I have grown closer to God through His teachings and by listening to His word. I no longer care what others think of me because all that matters is that I know God loves me just the way that I am. I am not here to try to impress anyone only Him and I will serve Him until my dying breath.
I have discovered that I am an empath and that is where most of my anxiety stems, from the emotion that I pick up from others overwhelming my own emotions sending my anxiety into overdrive. I have learned to trust my first instinct of a person because I am usually right.
I have learned to value numbers and what they represent whether that be a warning, a sign from above, confirmation of what I needed to know at that moment, or reminding me of someone. Numbers play a big role in our lives and every number has a meaning you just have to know the meaning of the numbers you see in your every day life.
I have become comfortable in my own skin, not that there is an aspect that I want to improve on as far as my body goes but I have learned to love it no matter. I have come to realize God put me on this earth for a reason and I am the way that I am for a reason and I will not let Him down.
I have a family that loves me unconditionally no matter which path I choose to go down and I have learned to love each and everyone of them for them selves. I am grateful to have every single person that I have in my life be there for me and I will be there for them no matter what comes next.
I have learned through heartbreak that sometimes no matter how much you love a person if they don’t love you for the way you are and not try to change you for the better it’s not worth it. I have spent three years loving a man from a distance but wants to change me in ways that I cannot give him. I will continue to love him and be there for him but sometimes the door to that chapter has to be closed. You cannot wait around for them to decide love you for the person you are today and let them continue to fantasize about something you know you can never give them. That’s not fair to yourself, there is someone out there who will love you unconditionally for the person standing in front of them at that time and will grow with you as you continue on your journey. Someone who will encourage you to become the best person you will be and not someone who wants you to take steps backwards.
2019 has given me well more than I deserved coming into it and I am grateful for everything this year has taught me and I am ready to make next year or even better for myself. New Year’s is the time to reflect on everything that has happened and learn from your mistakes to be able to do better the next year and continue to grow as a person to become someone who offers the world great change.
This coming year I want to discover myself as an individual and learn how to excel in everything that I do. I will not let my past hold me back any longer I will become the person that I was destined to become despite the obstacles that stand in my way.
I will grow closer to my family and friends and continue to support them through everything that they do and encourage them to keep going when times are rough. I will be the steady hand on the shoulder and I will be there shoulder to cry on.
I will continue to excel in my studies and become the best student that I can be. I will finish this next year with the highest grade point average that I can possibly get. I will not get tired of my studies but push myself to finish them not only for myself but for the future family that I wish to have.
I will publish my first fiction novel and continue writing more. I have many stories that need to be told and I will be the one to tell them through amazing adventures. I will not give up on my dream of being a best-selling author no matter how long it takes me to get there.
I will thrive financially and spiritually throughout this next year and all the years to come afterwards.
I will continue to change lives with my story and I will do so by sharing more of my thoughts with you guys and sharing more of my routine through YouTube. I will grow my following so that it reaches all ends of the earth and prove to everyone there is a life after a tragedy such as a spinal cord injury.
I will have goals that I will reach for throughout the next year and I will be successful and everyone of them. I want to share with you all the goals that I have for this year.
- Finish moving into my home.
- Eat healthier and drink more water.
- Finish my driving training.
2020 will be my year.
I’m claiming all my intentions and sending good vibes out into the universe. I will get good vibes in return.