I also had to go to the dentist this morning, this would be the first time in at least for five years that I've went to a dentist. I know that is really bad but when I lost my Medicaid I could not get coverage for my dental. The only reason I went to the dentist this time is because I have one of my teeth hurting me really bad. He said that I have some cavities that need to be feel, I need a good cleaning, and I have one of my teeth that need to be extracted as soon as possible because it is abscesses and pushed into the middle of my mouth. So needless to say Wednesday I will be going to an oral surgeon to have one of my teeth removed, he also said that it won't be long and I will need another one that being forced into the middle of my mouth again removed as well.
in the morning we are on our way to New Orleans to go see the surgeon about getting my bladder augmentation done! I am so cited to have this chapter completed so I can move onto learn to drive so that I can live on my own with my father is finished with his house. I hope everything goes well and I do not need anything else from me besides the schedule the surgery. It is a 4 Hour drive there and a four hour drive back so tomorrow it will be a long long day