The last week has been crazy! English is taking up most of my time but I'm spending more time with my gliders too. Right now actually I have Bonita in my dress sleeping away. I'm applying to Southern Missouri State University for the spring 2016 semester so that I can go to a physical college. I might even make some friends too. I'm really excited about that but I have a while to go till then. It's going to be a great thing for me because as many of you know I have not been to a physical school since I was a junior in high school about four years ago. It's going to get me out of the house more and that should be a good thing.
We have sent out our papers to become USDA license breeders. I can't wait! It's going to finally feel like we are moving forward and not backwards. For the last two years it seems like that's all we have done is go backwards. It's so time to move forward to get on with our lives and to actually have a life. I'm ready for it to come. I welcome it.