Hey guys and gals!
Last year was extremely hard for me for multiple reasons but I am bound and determined to make this year better than the last one. I have written out some of my goals for 2023. I tend to overload myself with goals and none of them seem to come true so this year I have done only a few as actual goals for the year.
“Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase” - Job 8:7 KJV
Goal One:
My first goal is to get my pressure sore healed completely so that I can be able to get off bed rest and actually do things again. There’s a lot that goes without saying as to why I would have this on my goal list. The pressure sore can have a lot of negative impacts on my physical health as well as my mental health. Once I’m out of this bed I will be able to have more independence and I will be able to start strengthening everything again. This is going to be a tough goal because of everything that comes with healing it. There’s going to be surgery, then a long recovery process in the hospital.
Goal Two:
My second goal is to start back my college classes so that I can finish my degree. I only have thirteen or fourteen classes left until I get my bachelor’s degree in psychology and graphic design. If I can return to doing two classes a term which is considered full-time, I could have it done in seven terms. A term is 8 weeks in the university that I go to so that would mean I could have everything done in about fifty-six weeks so almost a year left. If I continue with only one course at a time it will take me double the amount of time it’s going to take to do them full-time. This is considered to be going to school half the. I still have not decided what I’m going to do once I get out of school with my bachelor's degree. There are a good amount of options with both of my majors.
Goal Three:
My third goal for 2023 is to finish building my koi ponds for my fish. I have become obsessed with koi ponds this year and I even have four of my own. Koi can get huge, just like in the zoo. I want my fish happy and healthy which requires quite a lot of room so they can grow. I currently have three ponds but none of them are finished and only one has fish in it. I want to finish the three small ponds that are all on my porches. It’s time that they get done and ready for springtime. I’m hoping to be able to put fish in them this spring. I also have one big pond that I want to dig in the ground to give them room to grow. From the estimate that I got, this pond will be well over a thousand gallons. I have a spot picked out and the shape picked out already.
Goal Four:
The next goal is to get some answers about my pinched nerves so that I can either rebuild the muscle that is gone or at least solve the pain that I have to deal with due to muscle wasting in both hands. This is extremely important to me. I don’t want to continue to not have my fingers and be in pain for the rest of my life. I’ve been ignored about the initial problem for over a year but this year is going to be my year and I’m going to step up for my own health. This plays a big part in my mental health because I’m such an independent person.
Goal Five:
My final goal for this year is to get back into some of the things that made me happy in the past to find a new hobby. In the past it’s been reading, writing, my empath side, making things in resin or astrology and numerology. I have kind of lost myself the last few years trying to make other people happy but it’s time that I focus on myself. I don’t exactly know how I’m going to accomplish this goal yet but I’m already starting by writing to you guys more.
I have other things that I want to get done in the next year but those are the ones that I have hopes of accomplishing this year. I’ll write some of those small things that I want to get done this year below.
Things I’d like to do in 2023:
- Stop vaping
- Save money
- Get my house unpacked and in order
- Pay on all of my debt
- Get my aide services settled
- Get back to a routine
- Workout more
- Stretch more
- Drink more water
- Have fewer bladder infections
I hope everyone has made themselves some goals for the new year. I don’t want to call them New Year’s resolutions, because I am the same person, I just learned lessons the past year. If you have not already, think about four or five things that you really want to accomplish this year. Now write them down and the reasons why you want them this year. I like to keep my goals in view so that I can see them every day. This is not something that I’ve been doing but I fully intend on making a spot that I see every day and putting my goal list there.
At the end of the year, I want to take time to examine all of my goals and the other things and see how many I get done.
Again, happy New Year everyone!